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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

This one has sensed minute electrical
signals from the salmon nearby

Shark can maintain their blood
temperature at a higher level

than the surrounding sea water

And that means they have
the energy to be quick

Quicker even than salmon

Early autumn in Vancouver lsland
in Canada, 600 miles to the south

The ocean temperature
is slowly dropping

Forty metres below the surface,

this year's baby herring are feeding
on the last of the summer's plankton

Their movements attract attention
from the skies above

Gulls can't dive, so for now
the fish are still safe

But there are birds which can dive

Auklets and murres swim effortlessly
down beneath the school

The panic herring
a force towards the surface

They gather into a giant defensive
ball of swirling fish

The commotion attracts
Yellowtail rockfish

They too are hunters

The marauding fish scatter
the herring

Repeated attacks split the ball
into numerous smaller groups

Now it's easier for the divers to keep

the confused fish penned
at the surface

and there even the gulls
can get at them

Attacked from all sides, the little
fish have virtually no chance

More and more divers are
attracted to the scene

They harry the shrinking numbers
of herring right down

to the very last individual

Far bigger predators cruise here, too

Pacific white-sided dolphin

But the dolphin are mainly
nocturnal hunters

- during the day they concentrate
on socialising

They display by releasing streams
of bubbles and they play games... like pass the seaweed,
for example

Exactly eight months ago in the
winter off the west coast of Scotland

an egg was laid - and securely
fixed to a strand of kelp

lnside, a tiny embryo started
to develop

Protected by the tough egg case,
it endured the worst of the winter storms

By summer it was half grown


dive [daɪv] n. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;扑 vi. 潜水;跳水;俯冲;急剧下降 n. (Dive)人名;(法)迪夫 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :5121}

swirling [swɜ:lɪŋ] n. 漩涡;[流] 涡流 adj. 打旋的 v. 打旋;眩晕;使成漩涡(swirl的现在分词形式) { :6166}

embryo [ˈembriəʊ] n. [胚] 胚胎;胚芽;初期 adj. 胚胎的;初期的 {toefl :6275}

divers [ˈdaɪvəz] adj. 不同种类的,各式各样的 n. (Divers)人名;(英)戴弗斯;(法)迪韦尔 { :8238}

gulls ['ɡʌlz] n. [鸟] 鸥;气球假目标雷达反射器;笨人;易受骗之人(gull的复数形式) v. 诈欺,骗(gull的第三人称单数形式) { :9078}

securely [sɪ'kjʊəlɪ] adv. 安全地;牢固地;安心地;有把握地 {toefl :9820}

herring [ˈherɪŋ] n. 鲱 n. (Herring)人名;(英)赫林 { :9934}

commotion [kəˈməʊʃn] n. 骚动;暴乱 {ielts gre :11651}

vancouver [væn'ku:vә] n. 温哥华(加拿大主要港市) { :12635}

effortlessly ['efətləslɪ] adv. 轻松地;毫不费劲地 { :13078}

seaweed [ˈsi:wi:d] n. 海藻,海草 {gk toefl :13198}

nocturnal [nɒkˈtɜ:nl] adj. 夜的;夜曲的;夜间发生的 {toefl gre :13312}

socialising ['səʊʃəlaɪz] vt. 使社会化;使社会主义化 vi. 参加社交活动;发生社交往来(等于socialize) { :15327}

rockfish ['rɒkˌfɪʃ] n. 岩鱼(栖于礁石中的鱼) { :18798}

plankton [ˈplæŋktən] n. 浮游生物(总称) {ielts gre :19300}

marauding [məˈrɔ:dɪŋ] adj. 抢劫的;劫掠的;巡行作案的;潜行捕食的 v. 抢劫(maraud的ing形式) { :20039}

kelp [kelp] n. [植] 巨藻,海藻;海草灰 vi. 烧制海草灰 n. (Kelp)人名;(罗)凯尔普 {ielts :21356}

yellowtail [jeləʊ'teɪl] n. 一种鲱 n. (Yellowtail)人名;(英)耶洛泰尔 { :34706}

murres [ ] (murre 的复数) 海鸠 { :38917}

auklets [ ] (auklet 的复数) n. 小种海雀

the dolphin [ ] [网络] 海豚;海豚号

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用